
Mentorship has been the key in helping many SEO and PPC professionals get into the search marketing industry or advance their careers to the next level. However, according to an informal Twitter poll of marketers, the majority had to learn the art and science of their jobs on their own.

Mentorship is often seen as a one-way street, benefiting the recipient of the coaching. Data shows, though, that mentors also gain from the partnership: 87% of mentors and mentees feel empowered by their mentoring relationships and have developed greater confidence, according to research from Moving Ahead.

This is why we were elated to create a mentoring program when Eric Enge came to Search Engine Land with the idea. The mentorship is inspired by other successful programs in the search marketing space including Women in Tech SEO and United Search.

The program begins in August and will conclude in October, just in time for SMX Next in November. Applications will be open for one week: July 2-9. Mentors and mentees will commit to two hours a month to each other. 

Upon completion, mentors will have the opportunity to join a panel at SMX Next about mentorship, coaching, and being a manager. Mentees will be encouraged to submit their project details as an article for Search Engine Land and/or a session for SMX Next.

We’re excited to contribute to the next generation in PPC and SEO!