General Event Terms and Conditions

Third Door Media
General Event Terms and Conditions
These General Event Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) are a legally binding agreement between you (an “Applicant” or a “Participant”) and Third Door Media as described herein.

Please, make sure you fully understand the contents of this Agreement. If you have any doubts about any of your rights and obligations resulting from your acceptance of this Agreement, please, consult us or obtain legal support.



Capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the following meanings:

1.1. Third Door Media, we: a Semrush Inc. company, 800 Boylston Street, Suite 2475, Boston, MA USA 02199, including all affiliates;

1.2. Applicant: each natural (or legal) person who has submitted an Application Form or other form of order to be the Participant in the Event, regardless of whether this Application Form or other form of order has been accepted by Third Door Media;

1.3. Application Form: the online form by which the Applicant applies to take part in an Event. Generally there is no cost to submit the Application Form, however the cost may be established in the Specific Event Terms.

1.4. Conditions of Participation: the conditions contained in these General Event Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and the Specific Event Terms (if applicable) together;

1.5. Confidential Information of Third Door Media: includes, without limitation, trade secrets, know-how, technical and other business information; product technology and product development strategies; identities of the employees, agents, partners, representatives, contractors of Third Door Media; computer codes, computer processing systems, techniques, designs and interfaces and other information which is of substantial value to Third Door Media in its business that is not clearly public knowledge.

1.6. Event: the event organized by or in cooperation with Third Door Media at the Venue;

1.7. Participant: every natural (or legal) person who has submitted the Application Form or other form of order to be the Participant in the Event, whose Application Form or other form of order accepted by Third Door Media, who has paid the Participation Fee (if applicable) and with whom Third Door Media has entered into a Participation Agreement; or every natural (or legal) person who has been invited by Third Door Media to participate in the Event and with whom Third Door Media has entered into a Participation Agreement. The Participation Agreement shall enter into force once the Participant has received the relevant confirmation from Third Door Media by email or otherwise as described in this Agreement;

1.8. Participation Agreement: the agreement between the Participant and Third Door Media along with the Specific Event Terms (if applicable) according to which the Participant is entitled to take part as such in the Event;

1.9. Participation Fee: the fee for the participation in the paid Event, need to be paid by the Participant to Third Door Media at the time of the conclusion of the Participation Agreement or to the other party as can be specified in the Specific Event Terms (if applicable). The Participation Fee is exclusive of the value added tax and any additional or other taxes, charges or duties which may be imposed in connection with any and all payments made or due hereunder and shall, if applicable, be borne, respectively registered and duly declared by the Participant. All costs connected with Event attendance, including without limitation: accommodation costs, flight tickets etc., are borne by the Participant;

1.10. Privacy Policy: privacy policy, accessible at:;

1.11. Specific Event Terms: the conditions of the exact Event containing in the announcement of the Event, the application procedure, Participation Fee (if applicable), termination, refund procedure, the time, date, the Venue and the program of the Event and other essential conditions of the Event;

1.12. Venue: the location of the Event (online or offline).


2.1. An application to participate in the Event should be made by completing the Application Form or other form of order through the web pages/ printed materials where the Event announcement was published or via direct link to the Application Form or other form of order or otherwise as can be described in the Specific Event Terms. The completed Application Form or other form of order should be submitted to Third Door Media. If the Application Form or other form of order is completed and signed (if applicable) by someone other than a legal representative of the Applicant, the correct name and contact details of a legal representative of the Applicant must be filled in the Application Form or other form of order.

2.2. The Applicant warrants that the data supplied with his application to participate in the Event is true and correct and that the legal representative listed in the Application Form or other form of order is duly to represent him/her.

2.3. All Applicants must be at least 18 years of age to fill the Applicant Form for the Event. If Third Door Media learns that personal information from anyone under age 18 was collected without verification of parental consent, Third Door Media will delete that information as quickly as possible. If the exception is needed, the Applicant shall send a request to [email protected] or another email specified in the Specific Event Terms. The Participant must be at least 21 years of age to drink alcohol at the Event; the Participant must show ID if asked at the Venue.

2.4. Applications which cannot be accepted by Third Door Media immediately owing to lack of space or due to other reasons may be put on a waiting list. Third Door Media should decide whether to accept the application or not before the opening of the relevant Event.

2.5. Third Door Media reserves the right to refuse any application at its own discretion. Third Door Media also reserves the right, with regard to accepted applications, to grant priority to members of the associations or organizations acting as joint organizers.

2.6. The Participation Fee (if applicable) for the participation in the Event may be refundable in whole or in part in Third Door Media sole discretion. The refund procedure can be described in the Specific Event Terms.

2.7. If the Event does not impose the Participation Fee, the Participation Agreement takes effect right after the Participant receives the confirmation from Third Door Media for the participation in the Event.

2.8. If the Participant should pay the Participation Fee, the Participation Agreement takes effect right after the first payment or the only one payment of the Participation Fee in accordance with the Specific Event Terms.

2.9. The Participant has the right to cancel the Participation Agreement according to the terms specified in this Agreement. If the payment of the Participation Fee is not required, the Participant can cancel the application for participation in the Event and terminate the Participation Agreement free of charge by sending the relevant email to Third Door Media at the email address specified in the Specific Event Terms.

2.10. If the payment of Participation Fee is required, the Participant can cancel the Application and terminate the Participation Agreement in accordance with the cancellation/termination procedure established by the Specific Event Terms.

2.11. If the Event is organized in cooperation with Third Door Media, your interactions with the co-organizer are governed by the relevant terms of the co-organizer.


3.1. By submitting the application, the Participant authorizes the collection, use and storage of the data in Third Door Media’s database.

3.2.  Data collection, use and storage, as well as Participation in the Event is governed by our Privacy Policy and Specific Event Terms.


4.1. Third Door Media has the right to amend the dates, times, Venue and program of the Event as stated in the Specific Event Terms or, in exceptional circumstances, change the concept of the Event or cancel the Event by providing written notification of such changes before the start of the Event. In such cases, the Participant has the right to cancel the application or terminate the Participation Agreement according to this Agreement, but the Participant shall not be entitled to claim compensation for any costs and/or loss or damage incurred due to such changes..

4.2. Third Door Media has the right to cancel the Event by providing written notice before the date of cancellation. The Participation Agreement terminates at the moment of cancellation. In such cases, Participation Fee may be refundable in whole or in part in Third Door Media sole discretion. The refund procedure can be described in the Specific Event Terms.

4.3. The participation in the Event with no Participation Fee does not imply any refund.


5.1. The Specific Event Terms shall describe the program of the Event, time, date and Venue of the Event, Participation Fee, cancellation or termination procedure and Participation Fee refund procedure. Third Door Media is entitled to create a program of Venue, choose third parties as invited speakers at its sole discretion. Third Door Media is entitled to organize contests or sweepstakes at the Event and terms and conditions will be specified in the Specific Event Terms.

5.2. For marketing purposes Third Door Media is entitled to take photographs and/or make film/voice recordings of the Event and persons participating or attending the Event. Participants and staff engaged by the Participants agree to permit publication and/or distribution of the photographs and recordings for marketing and informational purposes and indemnify Third Door Media against any claims in this respect. The Participant will not receive compensation for the use of their images, likeness, appearance, and voice (now or in the future).

5.3.  Third Door Media has the right and may allow third parties to copy, edit, alter, retouch, revise and otherwise change the photographs, video and sound recordings at their discretion. All rights, title, and interest in the photographs, video and sound recordings belong solely to Third Door Media. All rights, title, and interest in the photographs, video and sound recordings belong solely to Third Door Media.

5.4. Third Door Media has the right to send at most five communications in an electronic form (reminder, agenda, materials for the Event or based on it, trial codes, special offers or any other types of communications). The amount of communications can be increased by Specific Event Terms. Electronic notices will be delivered to the Participant`s email address, which the Participant used for the Event application purposes, as it may be subsequently changed by the Participant by written notice to Third Door Media. All communications in electronic form will be considered to be “in written” and to have been received on the day that Third Door Media sends them. Third Door Media receives the right, but assumes no obligation, to provide communications in paper form.

5.5. Unless Third Door Media notifies the Participant otherwise, then the Participant is permitted to take screenshots, photos, videos, or audio recordings with non-professional equipment (“recordings”) during the Event, as long as the Participant complies with this Agreement. The Participant is aware and accepts that all materials presented during the Venue or in any communication are an intellectual property of Third Door Media or other third parties, the recordings of the Participant might include content or materials that are protected by copyrights, trademarks, or other rights which Third Door Media or third parties own or license. So, other than for the Participant personal use, the Participant is not allowed to copy, reproduce, publish, or distribute the recordings without respective owner or licensee written permission.

5.6. Unless Third Door Media notifies the Participant otherwise, it is allowed and encouraged the Participant to disseminate the recordings through social media (tweeting, or posting to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), as long as the clips are not more than one minute in length and the Participant is otherwise in compliance with this Agreement. The Participant agrees that will not use any recordings (1) in a way that is misleading or disparaging, (2) in a way that implies that the the content of the recordings is owned by the Participant, (3) for commercial purposes, or (4) in violation of applicable law (including but not limited to privacy laws) or in connection with an obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic or material. Third Door Media or relevant third party can revoke such permission of use at any moment.

5.7. If the Participant gives Third Door Media any ideas, suggestions, comments or other feedback related to Third Door Media, Third Door Media services, or Event (“Feedback”), the Participant agrees that all such Feedback is non-confidential and that we own all rights to use and incorporate such Feedback into the business of Third Door Media, or any other product or service, or publish Feedback in printed or electronic materials, webpages, without payment or attribution to you.

5.8. Third Door Media is an owner of several trademarks and service marks: Search Marketing Expo - SMX® and MarTech®. All other marks and logos are property of their respective owners. The Participant may not use the Third Door Media Marks, including in metatags or any “hidden text”, without our prior written permission. The participant may not use Third Door Media Marks in any manner that disparages Third Door Media or its products or services or portrays Third DOor Media in a false, competitively adverse or poor light. The Participant agrees not to contest the ownership of the Third Door Media Marks or to register or attempt to register any confusingly similar mark in any jurisdiction for any reason.

5.9. The Participant hereby agrees to Third Door Media use of the Participant`s name, logo and other proprietary marks for promotional, informational and advertising purposes. The Participant may revoke their consent by sending a request to [email protected].

5.10. No information which was made available by Third Door Media or third parties during the Venue shall not be taken into consideration as a professional advice or guide to action.


6.1. The Participant agrees to pay the Participation Fee according to the payment procedure specified in the Specific Event Terms and any other conditions specified in the Specific Event Terms.

6.2. If the Participant does not agree with any part of the sum, specified in the invoice, containing the Participation Fee, the Participant should inform Third Door Media in writing or by email, giving reasons for such disagreement, within 10 (ten) days from the date of the invoice. If Third Door Media receives such information, it has the right to amend the sum in the invoice, if Third Door Media considers the grounds for such amendment reasonable. If Third Door Media does not receive such disagreement notice within 10 (ten) days from the invoice date, the sum in the invoice should be paid by the Participant in full.

6.3. Third Door Media is entitled to set off payments made by the Participant, first of all against any outstanding debts owed to Third Door Media.


7.1. The Participant is obliged to strictly comply with the instructions given by or on behalf of: Third Door Media, the owner of the Venue territory, the state authorities, the fire brigade and other authorities.

7.2. Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing with Third Door Media, the Participant is not permitted to:

  • engage in activities which, in the opinion of Third Door Media, cause damage to or detract from the Event as such, or one or more Participants, visitors, groups of visitors or third parties;

  • engage in activities that cause damage or nuisance to Third Door Media, Participants and/or visitors, namely noise nuisance, obstruction of light or view or nuisance in any other form;

  • engage in activities that disrupt or are likely to disrupt fair competition;

  • make changes in or to the Venue, for instance by gluing, painting, hacking in, breaking, drilling, nailing or otherwise damaging floors, walls, ceilings, columns and so forth;

  • offer, sell or advertise goods and services that are not permitted by Third Door Media or authorities;

  • conduct or arrange for surveys among visitors to and Participants in the Event without Third Door Media`s permission.

7.3. The above mentioned list is not exhaustive. The other rules of conduct at the Venue can be set by Third Door Media, the owner of the Venue territory or authorities.


8.1. Where the Participant acts in breach of any provision of this Agreement or fail to follow an instruction given by or on behalf of Third Door Media, the owner of the Venue territory or the authorities, Third Door Media is entitled, where necessary, at the expense of the Participant, to take whatever measures it sees fit, including but not limited to the following:

  • terminate all or part of the Participation Agreement, without any notice of default; and/or

  • cancel the admission tickets to the Event issued to the Participant with immediate effect; and/or

  • exclude the Participant from participating in the Event and any other future Events for a definite or indefinite time period.

8.2. In addition to the rights specified above, Third Door Media has the right to claim for the costs, full compensation for any loss or damage suffered and/or yet to be suffered.


9.1. Third Door Media wants all participants to be safe at the Event - both in person and online. The Participant understands Third Door Media might randomly check bags or other personal belongings, and the Participant agrees to not leave any of these unattended at any time. The Participant also agrees that will not bring anything to the Event that could cause a safety hazard. All security concerns should be reported to Event staff immediately.

9.2. The Participant agrees to keep their login credentials, including but not limited to usernames and passwords, strictly confidential and shall not share, disclose, or otherwise provide access to such credentials to any third party. The Participant further agrees not to distribute, reproduce, or share any event-related materials, whether in digital or physical form, with unauthorized individuals. Any violation of this provision may result in the Participant's immediate disqualification from the Event and may subject them to legal action.


10.1. If and insofar as any provision of the Conditions of Participation is null and void or is avoided, the other provisions of the Conditions of Participation will remain in force in full. Third Door Media will then adopt a new provision to replace the provision that is null and void or has been declared avoided, taking account as far as possible of the tenor of the former provision.

10.2. The applicability of any Participant’s terms and conditions referring to the Event is expressly rejected.

 In the event of conflict, the Conditions of Participation will prevail in the following order:

(a) the Specific Event Terms;

(b) the General Event Terms.

10.3. Third Door Media reserves the right to change the terms of the Conditions of Participation in its sole discretion, with or without prior written notice to the Participants, by replacement of text of the Conditions of Participation on Third Door Media website or Event website or by written notice to you. Any changes will take effect immediately unless otherwise stated in the notice of change. If any amendment is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate relations with Third Door Media.


11.1. In connection with the participation in the Event, the Participant may acquire certain Confidential Information of Third Door Media. The Participant agrees that, except as directed or approved by Third Door Media in writing, the Participant will not at any time disclose in any way to any other person/entity Confidential Information of Third Door Media; and agrees to protect such Confidential Information. However, the Participant may make such disclosure if such information is (i) in the public domain, without no fault of the Participant, or (ii) is required to be disclosed by law, court order or other governmental agency. In case of termination, for any reason, the requirements not to disclose to the third parties Confidential Information and to protect Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement.


11.3. This Agreement is in the English language, which prevails over any translations of it to other languages, made by us and provided to you for your convenience, as applicable. You also agree to have all communications with us in English and/or the local language of the Event Venue.

Last updated: January 2025.